Starting a Panini's Franchise
Panini’s Bar and Grill offers a unique and exciting restaurant concept that you can be a part of. By choosing to own and operate a Panini’s Franchise, you’ll be a part of something special. Each franchise operates as a combined restaurant and bar, with a restaurant that stays open very late on the weekends. The menu consists primarily of special recipe pizza and unique sandwiches. The preparation and presentation of the menu items is an integral part of the concept.
All franchisees are trained in the preparation and presentation of the company’s specialty pizza and overstuffed sandwiches. Each franchisee also receives training on how to manage a high-volume, late-night restaurant and bar. Service training for waiters, waitresses, and bar staff is also available.
Our competitive advantages emanate from the foundation of our establishments, the corporate infrastructure, and our supplier partnerships. All of these elements make Panini’s Bar and Grill a successful, rewarding, and lucrative restaurant franchise opportunity.
The most important ingredient for restaurant success is the ability to build, train, and motivate a solid team of employees. The franchisee’s ability to communicate and educate continually will create long-term working relationships with each team member in your restaurant. Your team will develop relationships with customers and ultimately develop strong sales. The success of a Panini’s franchise strongly depends on the franchisee’s people skills.
The Franchisee Process
The Plan
Owner Committment
Owner Training
Employee Training
Site Location
Organizational Structure
Media Marketing
The Plan
As a franchise owner, we’ll guide you through every facet of restaurant and bar operation. Our extensive and comprehensive training program demonstrates restaurant policies and procedures. After being trained by our team, you’ll be able to train and develop each of your associates in all areas of the business. Training guarantees that you and your crew are well-equipped with an in-depth knowledge of restaurant policies and procedures, which affords you the opportunity to meet and exceed the expectations of customers.
Franchise owners enjoy solid partnerships with suppliers. These partnerships are based on product quality, loyalty, and competitive pricing. We ensure quality products are available at the best overall price to our franchisees and restaurants.
The direction of our company ensures that the name Panini’s Bar and Grill not only lives up to, but also exceeds, our vision and our customer’s expectations. This direction continues to create brand recognition and emphasize our unique restaurant concept. We encourage you to share the vision.
Owner Committment
The owner must understand the commitment involved in owning the franchise, particularly in the first year. Owners must have the ability and willingness to work hard. This business doesn’t build character – it reveals it. You can expect to work for 60 to 80 hours a week in the first year. With anything less, you won’t learn the operational side of the business or develop your customer base properly.
Owner Training
Get all the training you can before you open the doors. It’s far better to go overboard than to feel overwhelmed when you first open. Besides that, lack of owner training is generally the cause of a weak opening. Besides the corporate training, spend time in other stores, meet the owners, work new store openings, and work with the training team. Also, be sure to utilize all of the training materials provided.
Employee Training
The training team will initially train your staff, but it’s up to you to maintain the ongoing training. This requires a comfort level by the owner/operator to teach and you must possess the experience and knowledge that comes from working with people. Have your new employees as well trained as you can prior to opening by having them work in other stores whenever and wherever possible. Follow training procedure guidelines with the key trainer. Implement a solid program that is consistent with your staff.
Site Location
Even though our concept has historically drawn a large percentage of frequent users, site location in the right market is a key to long-term success. Accessibility, visibility, street and/or foot traffic, and adequate parking are important factors to consider with every site.
Organizational Structure
The most successful Panini’s are organized around and owner/operator who has funded the business and is in day-to-day control. Next to that, the best organizational structure is having a minority owner/operator who is the day-to-day operating partner. To put it simply, you need someone running the business that has equity in the business. Without it, the arrangements often fail, require extensive oversight by the owner, and typically are not stable or long term.
Media Marketing
Media can drive new customers to your store, remind existing customers of your presence, and communicate an image of our brand. Media can have powerful short-term effects, but can lose influence over time as the message becomes stale. It should be restructured often and conveyed utilizing variety and creativity to attract your target market.
Adequate liquid capital is essential to the success of your store. Plan on having no income from your store for the first six to twelve months. Plan for emergencies, accidents, theft, breakage, and slower than expected sales. Having a reserve of at least $40,000.00 should be a part of your capitalization planning.